In the center of South Africa, like a dark island in a sea of grass-covered planes, there lies a gaunt, steep-sided mass of basalt, the country’s principal watershed, and its rainy roof.
The coming of this basalt was in comparatively recent geological times, about 150 million years ago. It was as though nature suddenly became a little bored, after taking so many millions of years to lay down the sedimentary rocks of the Karoo Systems. A change was indicated – something really spectacular to mark the ending of the age of monstrous reptiles, swamps and interminable rains.
The change took the form of a prodigious fireworks display. Volcanic fissure after fissure erupted, pouring out lava until at last a large area of Southern Africa was covered to a thickness of about 1500 m. This mass of basalt, known as the Drakensberg Volcanics, flowed from the ruptures in the earth’s mantle like rivers of fire. One flow cooled, and was followed by another, producing distinct layers varying in thickness from 1 m to over 50 m and of considerable difference in hardness and character.
These basalts are interesting rocks to examine. In the molten state they were full of bubbles of gas. As the basalt cooled, the gas bubbles filled with minerals which crystallized into the cavities. A lump of basalt resembles a dark-colored fruit cake. Imprisoned in the rock are agates; rose-pink amethysts; calcite; chalcedony; quarts; zeolites of lovely green shades; a great variety of agate pebbles formed in steam holes in the upper levels; and pencil-like pipe amygdales which formed in the lower levels, in escape tunnels made by gas rising from below.
The basalt is soft and crumbly. To provide it with some backbone, nature thoughtfully squeezed up from the depths a succession of intrusive flows of hard dolerite. This rock worked its way between the basalt layers to form horizontal sills, or up the original feeder channels of the basalt flows, solidifying in them to form supporting skeletons of dolerite dykes.
This whole mass of basalt was then left by nature to the weather. Clouds blown in from the warm Mozambique Current in the east brought rain to this high roof. The run-off water was a cutting tool that carved a masterpiece. Deep valleys, ravines and gorges were cut, full of rapids, cascades, waterfalls, caves and pools. The face of the rock island was worn back, leaving spectacular pinnacles, buttresses, and precipices. Landslides littered the approaches with giant boulders; wild valleys were deeply eroded into the roof of the basalt island.
As it remains today, this mass of basalt covers basically the whole of Lesotho, an area of 30 344 square km. On all sides, its aspect is of a range of gaunt mountains, known to the Zulus o the eastern side as Quathlamba (the barrier); to the Sotho’s as Maluti (the heights), or, when they talk of the eastern precipices, as Dilomo tsa Natala (the cliffs of Natal). Europeans refer to these same eastern cliffs, and the whole escarpment of South Africa, as the Drakensberg (mountains of the dragons), from an old legend of the sighting there of monstrous flying lizards, breathing fire.
We as hikers, explorers,
and adventurers have the absolute duty to respect and protect our Wildernesses.
Nobody else will do it for us. Take ownership!
The End.
Safe Hiking.
References and Acknowledgements
From the book – Southern Africa – Land of Beauty and Splendour – Readers Digest
Photos: ©Willem Pelser
Compiled by: Willem Pelser
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